Thursday, January 31, 2013

So it begins!

Round two begins.

Looking back it feels like I haven’t had much time to even finish reflecting on my time in Morocco. I still talk about it all the time, I miss everyone that was there with me and I miss the country. With that in mind, I’m sitting in Logan Airport again, getting ready to start the second adventure this year.
It’s off to India this time and I’m really excited, although slightly more apprehensive then with Morocco. I feel as though being in India is going to be harder in a lot of ways and push me even more. I’m looking forward to the push.
I enjoyed last semester so much, and although I know this is going to be very different, I still cannot wait to meet the new people again and have all those experiences that making living abroad what it is.
                First challenge has already started. The problem of the delayed flight. Plane number one from Boston to Newark New Jersey is officially two hours late after having mechanical problems (not encouraging) in Newark. So far things are fixed….
I will land in time to comfortably get to my flight to India (thank goodness for the original four hour layover I was going to have…)
                Challenge number two: learning the Hindi alphabet…did I procrastinate a bit? Yes… I did. Good thing I have a fifteen hour flight ahead of me to try and finish up on that memorization…

So it begins study abroad all over again. And I know, as I was driving into Boston today that I would be back before I know it. Last semester flew by, three and a half months gone in the blink of an eye.

Look forward to more informative and awesome blogs in the future!